Ok, I have talked about a plethora of personalities who are genuine “respect” material. However, somewhere down the line, my scruples begin to feel insecure. I wonder what’s wrong and come up with a simple answer. Amidst all these respected individuals somewhere I have forgotten someone important. I have perhaps forgotten myself. No, I haven’t done anything that’ll get you to respect me especially after reading my previous posts. (Assuming you have read them!) Although that’s no reason why I cannot respect myself. In fact I firmly believe that for me to achieve something worthwhile in life, I must respect myself. When I say myself, I mean my decisions, my abilities, my ambition- in short everything about myself. Yes, also my weaknesses because that is the first step to challenging and maybe overcoming them.

It does not mean that I will not make mistakes and if I do, I’ll be stubborn enough to hold on to them in the name of respect. If that happens, then its ego displacing respect. All said and done, I will conclude by saying that I respect myself for whatever I am and it would be a blatant lie if I said that I don’t dream about others respecting me someday.