Firstly, this post is not about the truckload of records that Sachin Tendulkar possesses. I dare say that even if you are completely ignorant about cricket, you will have heard of a few. Also, this post is not about glorifying Sachin – the cricketer. It is been done by number of people (overdone at times). This post is about celebrating Sachin Tendulkar – the person. He commands respect from almost every person in this country and beyond. The man has got more number of ‘Man of the Match’ trophies than some of these present talking breed of cricketers have runs. Yet, in every interview I have heard from him, he praises every other person except himself. After more than 20 years of playing at the highest level, Sachin says that he is grateful to the country for providing him the opportunity to play such a long innings. Honestly speaking there will be no argument if Sachin were to say, “India should be grateful to me as I played for 20 long years.”However he never has and never will say that… because he is Sachin. Sky may not be the upper limit for him but ground is definitely the lower limit. Both his feet are always grounded no matter what and that’s saying something, as he has more than enough incentive to fly.

Some incidents during the childhood stay in memory. Sachin Tendulkar looking heaven wards after scoring a ton, just 24 hrs after his father’s death is one of them. Everyone in my house wept for him that day. When I think of it now, I know exactly why. Such selfless service one has to respect, there is no other choice is there?

Success comes to many but only a few can handle it well. For that I respect Sachin Tendulkar. His dedication, his character, his values elevate him to a level hitherto unseen in any other sports person. I could not care less if the world cup final is held in Mumbai. However I will do whatever it takes to watch Sachin play his farewell match LIVE. My only objective is to contribute a pair of hands that claps relentlessly foe a man who deserves it all – believe me, it is the least I can do.